Thursday 31 January 2013

Shoot day write up

Before we were filming we made sure we had all the props in place such as the axe, tent and string. We also checked with our actor Adam if he was still up for it, he was. When i woke i was excited to get to the set and finally see what the tent will look like with all the strings around it in our new location. We were very well prepared when we arrived at the shoot as we had all our props ready, we had permission from the housemaster and we had let the cleaners know in advance what was going on so there was no confusion as to what was happening. When we arrived we noticed the set was too full with funiture so we moved all the sofas and tables into different rooms. It also was very dark so we added some artificial lighting to make it seem as if it was in the morning. When we had cleared everything up the room looked very good and how we all imagined it. When we were setting up we all took different roles for example me and Frankie set up the tent whilst Mima cut strings to hang up and Owen washed the tins so we could hang them up on the string. I think that i was very good at choosing different shots and lining everything up so it looks effective, also moving things around so we can get intresting shots. For example i cut a hole in the tent so i could get over the shoulder shot of Adam waking up. On the shoot day we had a few problems but our group acted quickly and we sorted them out, for example behind one of the windows there was a garden that looked too smart and civilised, to prevent this we boarded up the windows to make it look more like the character was hiding from something. Also another problem was that we did not have very much room to shoot in the tent so we cut a hole in it. I think the most succesful part of the shoot was filming inside the tent as once our whole team had helped to create space and fit the camera in our whole team worked well together to get the shot done fast and easy. It was towards the end of the day and we were all familiar with how eveything works and we were all doing something useful. I think that the part of the shoot that could of gone better was the beggening when we were filming our opening credit shots, as we took long doing various shots, the reason we took a long time was because we had not perfected our shooting skills, once we had caught a grip on how to do everything perfectly we could film more effectively and faster.  The part of the shoot i enjoyed most was choosing the different shots to film with inside the tent because it was avery small tent and difficult to work around it, it was challenging but once i had figured away around it it was enjoyable and effective. In the edit i was most looking forward to seeing the shots we took right at the beggenning which were some still and some panning because i think they will look alot better with titles moving across them. I think that our team worked extremely well together as we all had a go at each job but we found what job we were best at and towards the end stuck to it, making the proccess fast and efficent. There are a number of skills i learnt that would help with my next shoot, firstly i learnt how to focus the camera with certain objects and make the background less out of focus. Also i learnt how to steady the camera effectively easily whilst panning and tiltingthe camera, making shots more smooth and constant. Finally something that would also help in later shoots is lighting and how to create artificial day light using different kind of gels.

Setting up the trap
Adding more aspects to the trap

Setting up the tent and getting our character to get the feel of it

Looking at space and what we could do

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Re-schedule and new shooting schedule

Due to the bad weather conditions we had to re-schedule our shoot to wednesday 30th january. We also had to change are shooting schedule, seen below.

8:50 - drive to Bwebb

9:00-10:00 - unpacking, setting up tent and string

10:00-11:00 - filming first few shots which will have the titles shown over the shots

11:00-1:00 - film all shots with adam, axe shots, walking over trap and approaching the door to hear the bang

Monday 7 January 2013

Change of location

We went to ewhurst (our initial idea for a set) to go and see if it was possible to film there, however it figured out to be very difficult as there was not enough room to get the shots we needed. So we went to look around more houses such as cornhill and bwebb. Again cornhill turned out to be too smal with individual rooms too small to film in. It also looked a little too modern with objects suchas pool tables and vending machines.

So we went to Bwebb, another house. The entrance was perfect, it was very dark and huge. It also was very dark which is what we wanted. There was plently of space for the tent to be put up and get the shots we needed, so we decided to choose here.

Filming day schedule

9.30 - 10.00 - unpacking props, costumes etc.
(Arriving and getting evrything organised)

10.00 - 11.00 - setting up all strings tent make up props etc. (Making the set and putting everything in place)

11.00 - 1.00 filming
(Filming the first few shots which the titles will be shown over and the shots in the tent)

1.00 - 2.00 Lunch

2.00 - 5.30 Filming
(Filming the shots of him getting out the tent, grabbing the axe, walking over the trap and approaching the door to hear the bang)

5.30 - 6.00 Packing up and clearing up
(Pack everything up and clean up)