Wednesday 27 March 2013

Audience Feedback

From our audience feedback, we have discovered what we did well and also what we need to improve on. However overall i believe the feedback was very positive, and we were very happy with some of the comment made.

Firstly we had a lot of positive comments about how artistic and well worked our shots were, for example Emma Smith quoted "Really cool artistic shots" and Sam Rhodes commenting on our "Great cinematography", so this was obviously a strength within our thriller, we also got a few positive comments regarding the effective tension brought up during the sequence for example greg Fellows said that there was a use of "professional sounds building up tension" along with other comments from Charlie Feeney " The sound builds up tension and makes you feel on edge" So from this feedback we have learnt that we use cinematography in a very interesting and artistic way, and also we are good at creating tension through use of sound. 

On the other hand when we asked people to describe our plot people found it very hard to see what was happening, for example Bo Jackson thought that it was "Someone being trapped" So this is something we may need to work on, i.e. making shots clearer and maybe using dialogue to make it more understandable.

Another thing we need to work on judging by the comments is quicker editing, as we used slow editing it may of caused the tension to drops in some ways, however in others it creates more tension. For example Seb quoted "quicker editing to create more tension" To an extent i think we could of used a few more quicker shots, but on the other hand i think the long slow shots are the ones that created more tension.

Overall i think that judging by our feedback we can take that we are good at creating tension and use well crafted shots, but maybe we need to use various editing skills to create more tension and make it more exciting. 

Sunday 17 March 2013

Evaluation task 7 - Looking back on your yor preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the product?

Looking back on the prelim task we did, i have noticed that camera shots were very basic along with the simplistic movement that did not flow very well, and in general was not very effective. For example we used very basic shots such as this simple over the shoulder shot:

However looking at our thriller the camerawork is a lot more complex, using a vareity of shots, and movement was very clean and smooth, for example we used long shots in a way that had great effect, using many props to create an amazing effective (below).

In our prelim there was not much in terms of Mise En Scene and only one object was used in order to give the concept away (below).

The setting was also very basic, simply in just a normal living room with little indications of the context. On the otherhand in our thriller there is a much clearer and effective use of Mise En Scene that gives the sequence a clear context and understanding to the audience. For example there were a huge amount of objects indicating that the character had been living in the tent for a while such as dirty plates, empty packages and clothes. There were many other effective uses to, for example we took more time to plan and develop what we wanting the surrounding to look like, so we had cardboard boarded up on the window tho give off the effective that he was hiding. We also focused on clothing a lot more, we made the character have big boots and tracksuits indicating that he was living in the tent for a while.

In the editing process of our prelim we did not have much skill and experience of using final cut so the end product was very poorly edited and the shots did not flow very well. After using the program fro a while and getting used to it, it started to become clearer and our thriller looks a lot more effective as shots easily flow and movement of the character looks natural. The use of sound in our prelim was very basic as we only recorded using the camera, it also did not sound very effective. However in our thriller using our newly learnt skills we were able to add many things in to create effect. For examample we created the rooms atmosphere by recording the silent room and layering this sound over the visuals to make it sound more realistic. We also added samples such as wind to give the film a more eerie and creative effect.

When we made our prelim we had next to no time to plan and figure out how our time would be structured. This was a major problem for us as we did not know how long we had to firstly set the camera up and secondly how long to get the shots we needed. On the otherhand we had months of planning in order to start filming our thriller, we firstly generated an idea that went though several stages until we were happy and pleased with it, we then had to plan many other important things such as location, characters etc... We also made a plan of the day so we knew when we had to do what so we could get it done by th end of the day.

Our team worked very well together i think as firstly everyone had such intresting ideas for the thriller which enabled us to link them all together to create an even more effective plot. As we had planned our shooting day out our team knew what they were doing and when, therefore making it easier for us to get along and get things done.