Friday 29 November 2013

Rough cut evaluation

In order to see if our rough cut made sense and if we could do anything to improve it, we asked a couple of people to watch it and evaluate it.

Something our audience complimented was our story plot, they said they understood what was going on. This was a very nice point to hear as we were worried about people not understanding what was going on! Another thing that people picked up on was the transition between the story and the performance, and they enjoyed how they slowly faded into each other, making the party scene even more effective. Again this was very nice to hear. Thirdly, people picked up on the editing in the party scene, they complimented the way that peoples/DJ's actions matched the movement and sound of the song.

On the other hand there are a few things we could potentially work on. Firstly people picked up on the editing in the first sequence and that it doesn't completely match the music, making it look a bit jumpy. This is not a huge problem as we can work to change it! And we are till yet to fill in a few gaps, therefore the audience questioned that!


Overall we were very happy by peoples reactions of the video and are glad that it makes sense. However we will work within the next week to fill up the gaps and to make it run smoothly.

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