Wednesday 13 February 2013

Evaluation task 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our film is aimed at and will appeal to the needs of most 15-21 year olds. Consisting of teenagers and young adults, who are interested in getting a thrill. 

To find out a more specific target audience i interviewed three different types of teenagers and young adults about what they like and what their interests are, trying to find out who exactly will be watching our film.

I first was with two ravers: 

From the ravers we have found at they are a very interested in loud, fast and jumpy things including music and film. They also quoted they enjoyed to watch thrillers as long as they got a scare, this is a perfect group of teenagers for our thriller as all of these factors are involved in the film. 

I then interviewed a design and crafty young adult:

From looking at the crafty boys profile and interviewing him, we found out that he enjoyed any type of media as long as it had good design and creative ideas within shots and other factors. He would be a perfect audience member and someone we could target as our film contains many factors that have great and interesting designs and shots.

I then researched a gamer: 

Again from researching the gamer type on teenager we discovered that film with good CGI appeals to them, which is beneficial to us as we are investing in some very new technology in order to process our main characters enemy.

So overall from researching different social groups we have found out that our typical audience member would be in the teenager group of gamers, craft kids and ravers. The reason for this is because there will be great CGI in the process of editing our film in order to create the animal that our main character is under attack by, this will attract gamers as they typically like good graphics and monsters. Our film is also aimed at craft kids, who enjoy to see things creatively, this film will be a good watch for them as our film contains many creative shots, settings and effects that will interest them. Finally the ravers would be interested in our film as they typically like big adrenaline rushes, with loud shocking moments no matter if it is in a rave or a film, our film will deliver these factors and therefore should satisfy the ravers.

However our film is not just aiming at teenagers and young adults. Our film also has a secondary audience of an older age who may experience the film and take satisfaction from the film in different ways. This secondary audience was 30-37 year olds. The reason they would be part of our audience is due to the sophisticated storyline and abstract setting, along with complex camera work and amazing soundtrack. To find out more about our secondary audience i did research on one individual that gave us some vital information.

To find out more about our secondary audience i researched and interviewed an individual to find out some vital information.

Claire Whinney: 
AGE 35 

Q. What do you enjoy in films?
A. I enjoy the way in which the film is shot and the creativity used in the shots, i do not enjoy films that have boring and simple camera work.

Q. Where do you watch your films?
A. If i want to go out, i will normally go to watch a film at the local independent cinema, the reason i go here is because they normally show films with great and interesting work. However if i want to stay at home i would order he film online from websites such as amazon.

Q. What is your favourite type of film?
A. I like a film with a good and complex story line that has a twist at the hand, as long as a film has this i do not mind the genre.

Q. Where do you find out about films?
A. In magazines such as timeout, or a friend tells me about them. 

This is vital information as it suggests that this age group is a fan of complex and interesting camera work followed by a twisting plot, this is perfect as our film contains just these things which will attract this audience. Also we know where to promote our film, so it will help us target our audience even more. 

Saturday 2 February 2013

Evaluation task 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media project?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media project?

Our opening title sequence consisted of a tense scene of a middle aged man surrounded by traps moving towards a door where his possible enemy was trying to attack him. The film has aspects of mystery and thrilling violence, the film has a various amount of media institutions the film could fit in with and could work with a medium sized budget. In terms of distribution the film is fairly universal meaning it could potentially be distributed to a wide audience across the world into different formats including theatrical, DVD and online services such as Itunes.

In terms of production films similar to our concept include 28 days later and I am legend, the companies that produced these films were DNA films and Warner Bros Pictures, however Warner Bros pictures is a company that specialize in high concept and high budget films for example on of their films (The Dark Knight Rises) had a production budget of $250 million, and even though our film could potentially work with having high concept features such as effects and actors, we think that it will work more effectively as a more medium sized budget and concept, still having features that will create a more effective film such as effects and fairly know actors.

 So we had a look into DNA films who were responsible for making 28 days later film, we saw they were capable of making film similar to ours such as Sunshine and Dredd with medium concept ideas and features, exactly what we wanted.

We did further research into the company and found out they specialize in medium to fairly high budget films aiming around 5 to 50 million dollars, we thought that somewhere in between this budget would be a perfect budget for our thriller, allowing us to add many aspects that would make it a hit, such as well known actors and better effects. Also they are clearly used to producing films about the end of the world with films such as Sunshine so choosing this production company will be productive and worthwhile.

In terms of distributions we have done some research and found a distribution company under the name of revolver entertainment which is capable of distributing films onto many formats in different areas of the world including the UK and the US. Revolver will be able to provide theatrical distribution across a wide range of cinemas across both the UK and US. Also they are able to publish the film onto different formats such as DVD and blu-ray making the film a wider release. I think this company will be a perfect match for our project as its not an independent film that only a small audience would watch, so we could project the film and appeal to a larger audience worldwide.

Evaluation task 2 - How does your product represent particular social groups?

Due to our product only having one character we can only represent one social group, due to the use of camera work it is very easy to understand that our social group was a "white male". A fairly typical choice as the majority of hollywood films are domintaed by this social groups, if we were to have a bigger budget we would still keep the social group of a white male but use a bigger and more well know actor such as Tom Hardy. These are the first couple of shots that clearly indicated what social group the character was from. (Left) 

From this point the audience see's our character clearly and can acknowledge that he is white. It was hard to create and represent the social group as we only had one character and a short amount of time to represt him. However due to the character being alone, we filmed it simirally to I am Legend where the opening sequence also involves a character on his own however representing a different social group and also on a bigger scale. For example in the opening of i am legend, they make it clear what social group he is from having close ups, just the way we did it. 

During the rest of our film we would use different techniques in order to represent our characters social group. For example we would focus on his accent, portraying him to be a white male and also clothing which we have already focused on, dressing him in big boots and a big raincoat. 

Evaluation task 1 - In what ways does your media project use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?