Saturday 2 February 2013

Evaluation task 2 - How does your product represent particular social groups?

Due to our product only having one character we can only represent one social group, due to the use of camera work it is very easy to understand that our social group was a "white male". A fairly typical choice as the majority of hollywood films are domintaed by this social groups, if we were to have a bigger budget we would still keep the social group of a white male but use a bigger and more well know actor such as Tom Hardy. These are the first couple of shots that clearly indicated what social group the character was from. (Left) 

From this point the audience see's our character clearly and can acknowledge that he is white. It was hard to create and represent the social group as we only had one character and a short amount of time to represt him. However due to the character being alone, we filmed it simirally to I am Legend where the opening sequence also involves a character on his own however representing a different social group and also on a bigger scale. For example in the opening of i am legend, they make it clear what social group he is from having close ups, just the way we did it. 

During the rest of our film we would use different techniques in order to represent our characters social group. For example we would focus on his accent, portraying him to be a white male and also clothing which we have already focused on, dressing him in big boots and a big raincoat. 

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